Our New Directions at Duran Duran Worldwide
ddworldwide official statement release, dated 8/10/2024
I've been thinking about this for some time. Tracey and I have also discussed this. And what time than on Duran Duran Appreciation Day weekend to announce out new directions for Duran Duran Worldwide (ddww or ddworldwide for short).
- While we no longer have a project dedicated to promoting Duran Duran TO the Rock Hall (formerly the DDTTRH project), we do want to promote the fact that Duran Duran is AT the Rock Hall. With this in mind, we have started a Duran Duran AT the Rock Hall (DDATRH) Facebook group. We hope to promote news about the band's display at the Rock Hall museum and even share pictures from visits (please share yours!) !
- In terms of other group pages, Duran Duran Gamers was started this year. I would like to expand the audience of this Facebook group, start a Discord channel and get Duranies together to PLAY GAMES!!! Note: I (Kirk) am an avid gamer...so am VERY EXCITED about this.
- We will continue to seek out musicians, business professionals, artists who are inspired by Duran Duran in their artistic and professional endeavors. WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU. We can interview you now in multiple ways, including by written word as well as audio which can be posted on our Youtube as well as Podcast.
- We also hope to catch up with those that we have interviewed in the past and see what they are doing now!
- New and interesting content is something we will continue to try and create at ddworldwide. To this end, since we have a huge database of mentions of Duran Duran in media, we plan to create content based on that. That could include videos showing the mentions as well as sharing lists that fans can follow to go on their own Duran-spotting adventures.
- We may also experiment with things like podcast topic shows, unique topic articles about Duran Duran, game streaming, and providing charitable contributions to places we've given to in the past and organizations important to the band.
- I would like to try and make Duran Duran Worldwide (ddww or ddworldwide for short) more personable. I'd like to use more independent art in our logos as well as use pictures of Tracey and I to put more of a human face on what we do. We never were really a corporate entity by any stretch of the word, but I feel like in the past maybe we gave off that vibe...so I'd like to do more to get away from that. No more titles on posts and blogs 😂!
- I would like to engage more with Duran Duran Proboards. Some of you may not know that I've been posting there as kirkddww. I have noticed that many fans like to engage with our posts there, so I'd like to give that more attention.
- As we have always done, if there are accolades or achievement awards that Duran Duran could be eligible for, we hope to promote them to those.
- We will continue our mission of raising awareness to Duran Duran and how they have influenced music, popular media, and the arts.
- We know that there is a demand for good music as well an unique Duran Duran content out there. All of our efforts will be more focused on trying to reach new audiences as well as bring in new music listeners from various demographics to give Duran Duran's music a try.
Thank you for following and supporting us! We wish you an amazing Duran Duran Appreciation Day of 2024 and are excited for our new directions that will hopefully be interesting and perhaps exciting to many of you!
Kirk, ddworldwide
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