
They Did it - Cait Edwards post

As some of you know...I recently made a statement to a site that seemed to take full credit for getting Duran Duran into the Rock Hall.  In that statement, I said that it was the band and their hard work that 'did it' and never at anytime have I personally taken credit for all the awareness DDTTRH raised on their behalf. The phrase "They Did It" recently caught my eye in a post in the Duran-verse by Cait Edwards, who spoke on this very subject.  I wanted to share it here because the post was moving to me.  I got Cait's permission to share it... From 11/20/2022 They did it. They say that *we* did it, as fans, and they shared the honor with us. That was nice. If it was up to the kind of critics who were brutal with them from the start, this never would've happened. Duran Duran were never treated like something authentic. They were too stylish, too fucking pretty, and success came way too fast. They couldn't be legit and no way could the music be any good. Pl

Our New Directions at Duran Duran Worldwide

ddworldwide official statement release, dated 8/10/2024 I've been thinking about this for some time.  Tracey and I have also discussed this.  And what time than on Duran Duran Appreciation Day weekend to announce out new directions for Duran Duran Worldwide (ddww or ddworldwide for short). While we no longer have a project dedicated to promoting Duran Duran TO the Rock Hall (formerly the DDTTRH project), we do want to promote the fact that Duran Duran is AT the Rock Hall.  With this in mind, we have started a Duran Duran AT the Rock Hall (DDATRH) Facebook group.  We hope to promote news about the band's display at the Rock Hall museum and even share pictures from visits (please share yours!) ! In terms of other group pages, Duran Duran Gamers was started this year.  I would like to expand the audience of this Facebook group, start a Discord channel and get Duranies together to PLAY GAMES!!!  Note:  I (Kirk) am an avid am VERY EXCITED about this. We will continue to s

Happy DDAD to Andy from Seattle

 I missed going to Seattle for DDAD 2024, but I found this little poem I wrote last year that I wanted to share!  ~Kirk It is DDAD and all through the land Duranies are celebrating their favorite band Simon, Nick, Roger and John With a goodly amount of Warren, Andy and Dom. Then there is Andy Golub...that cat from the West Coast... Making cupcakes for his radio station and doing a host Of Duranies in the streets with signs and smiles On the streets of Seattle...stop by if you can for awhile... Beep beep Andy!!!  🚗

Approved Activities for Duran Duran Appreciation Day

Good morning and HAPPY DDAD Appreciation day 2024!!!! These are activities we at Duran Duran Worldwide approve of on this most festive of holidays… Listening to Duran Duran music 🎶      Catching up with Duranie friends           Writing a friend about your love of the band                Dancing to Duran Duran music                     Creating something inspired by your passion for the band                                                             Entering the ddworldwide DDAD contest                                                                            Watching shows and movies to Duran-spot                                              Duran-spotting while you are out on the town 👀🏙️                     Eating good food while listening to Duran Duran music           Watching Duran Duran videos on a loop on YouTube      Playing a video game where you can create things and creating something Duran Duran themed         Doing anything that increases your Duranium levels! ☢️ H

DDAD 2024 ddworldwide CONTEST

  DDAD 2024 ddworldwide CONTEST To enter, please submit your response to the following email address and you will be entered for a chance to win: ... What is one thing you appreciate about Duran Duran?  Answers will be shared online and sent to Katy! Prizes can be gifted to friends!! 1 st place:   NEW Wild Boys (newest line) Duran Duran POP – 1 (one) band member of your choice Sample:   Roger Taylor (item sent will be new in-box) - 5 band members to choose from! 5 to choose from!!!! Quality photo reprint (8 X 10) of a signed Duran Duran photo (note…not an original or real signatures…just a really nice reproduction) Duran Duran Paper Gods Power Bank 5 Duran Duran Vintage pins sample of pins available... 1 Vintage Duran Duran bumper sticker Choices available: 2 nd place 5 Duran Duran vintage pins (see samples above) Duran Duran Paper Gods notepad and pen 1 Vintage Duran Duran bumper sticker - see choices above   3 rd place

Greetings on DDAD Eve 2024

Greetings and salutations and happy DDAD eve to all you anxious Duranie kids who are waiting to open their presents on DDAD 2024 tomorrow. may not be presents that you open...but I just know your hearts will be full of Duran Duran appreciation on this most momentous of Duranie holidays.  As part of the festivities tomorrow...ddworldwide will be... Announcing a DDAD contest with a prize drawing (that I will hopefully announce by midnight tonight or first thing in the morning I promise). Releasing a statement about our new mission and what we want to do 'post the Rock Hall project' Releasing an article consistent with our new mission, which will give you a flavor of the kind of content we plan to release. Maybe some surprises that will yet be revealed. Please tune in and tell your friends about us.  We hope we can bring you some joy and someting fun on this Duran Duran Appreciation day of 2024. ~Kirk, ddworldwide

The Opportunity for Duran Duran in Video Games

 by Kirk Harrington, ddworldwide I am an avid gamer.  I have been since the Magnavox Odyssey (yes I'm old).  I am also an avid Duran Duran fan and started my journey of Duran Duran since the album 7 and the Ragged Tiger.  As I think about Duran Duran's journey through music and how video games have exploded in popularity since the early 80s, I have appreciated when music artists take advantage of the medium to reach this particular entertainment market. I would be remiss if I didn't mention Duran Duran's entry into games when they created a world in Second Life (the DDU in 2011).  I wish I had gone into it when it was more popular...I was fairly late to joining it.  I did play with some people on it, and did actually meet Warren Cucurrullo on it once (in his pirate gear with a parrot on his shoulder).  I did dance on the virtual dance floor while DD music was playing also.  It was around that time that DDTTRH was at its height and several of the band's friend (inclu