
Showing posts from March, 2022

DDWW Letter to Beat Games, Makers of Beat Saber

This email was sent to Beat Games, makers of Beat Saber today!  Please feel free to also reach out to them on behalf of the band. And FYI - My son ALWAYS beats me in this game. From:  Georgie Davies   < > Date: Sat, Mar 19, 2022 at 8:46 AM Subject: Duran Duran To: < > <> Hello Beat Saber.  First let me say how much I personally enjoy the game Beat Saber.  It's been a source of joy to myself and my children for several years son is an absolute ACE at this game. I was wondering though why Duran Duran is not in your catalog of songs, or even if they've been considered to be included. If they haven't been talked about, might I suggest it's a good time?  They currently are nominated for Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction and lead the fan vote at .  I believe there would be many MANY fans that would buy their songs in your game if you ...

Ten Reasons Why Duran Duran Belong in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

This list was originally published on 10/4/2015.  Last update 3/19/2022. This is our official DDTTRH Top 10 Reason why we think Duran Duran should be in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.  This list is important because the Rock Hall will be announcing its nominees soon and we want this list to be the basis of our DDTTRH project promotions for 2016.  We put a lot of work into this, we hope you like it!  Special thanks to those who contributed towards this, namely Kirk Harrington, Andrew Golub, Christian Helwig, Tracey Elena, Pranav from Radio Creme Brulee (Editor and Contributor, and Josie Beaudoin (Editor and Contributor). 10 Reasons Why Duran Duran Should Be in the Rock Hall 10.  Their musical and commercial footprints are global.  Their success is not limited to specific geographic regions in the world.   9.  Pioneers of the location "music video" shoot (e.g. videos shot in Sri Lanka for the "Rio" singles). They took a purely auditory stimuli...