Approved Activities for Duran Duran Appreciation Day

Good morning and HAPPY DDAD Appreciation day 2024!!!!
These are activities we at Duran Duran Worldwide approve of on this most festive of holidays…
Listening to Duran Duran music 🎶
    Catching up with Duranie friends
        Writing a friend about your love of the band
            Dancing to Duran Duran music 🕺 💃
                Creating something inspired by your passion for the band
                                                Entering the ddworldwide DDAD contest
                                                            Watching shows and movies to Duran-spot
                                    Duran-spotting while you are out on the town 👀🏙️
                Eating good food while listening to Duran Duran music
        Watching Duran Duran videos on a loop on YouTube
    Playing a video game where you can create things and creating something Duran Duran themed
        Doing anything that increases your Duranium levels! ☢️

Have a safe and fun DDAD everyone!
-Kirk and Tracey


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